Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Restaurant Furniture for the New Year

As the year comes to an end, people are looking toward the new year for improvement and change in their lives. Whether it be eating healthier and exercising more or making the effort to stay in touch with old friends, most people are looking for a fresh start with the new year. The turning of the year is a great time to refresh the furniture in your restaurant or bar as well. Whether you completely overhaul your dining areas, or make a few simple changes, the new look will give your restaurant the fresh start it needs for the new year.

If possible, try changing to color scheme to a fresher, brighter look. Use clean, bright colors to achieve this energizing look. Painting furniture and re-upholstering booths and chairs are quick and easy solutions. Changing wall coverings can be a quick fix as well, simply paint or cover dingy walls with fabric to brighten them up.

Replacing scratched, chipped or damaged table tops with durable laminate or resin table tops is another way to improve your restaurant for the new year. The same approach can be applied to damaged chairs and booths. Make sure that your furniture is safe and functional, and that it will last through the new year.

Ultimately, pay attention to trends in restaurant furniture so that you stay in touch with the times.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Furniture for a Growing Society

It is an undisputed fact that as a whole, the American society is heavier than ever. The obesity epidemic is so profound, it is affecting the way businesses are run. From low-fat menu options to wider doorways, businesses are adapting to the needs of a heavier clientele. Restaurants are no exception to this trend and are finding ways to comfortably accommodate larger guests.

It is imperative that your restaurant furniture be sturdy and built to last. Purchase your furniture from an authorized furniture supplier as they will likely offer warranties on their products. From ripped seats to missing casters, a local commercial furniture company will be able to help with basic maintenance. All chairs should meet some kind of weight requirement, especially if they are to be used in a public setting. The last thing you want is a lawsuit claiming that your restaurant is at fault for having unsafe seating.

There are some things that you can do on a regular basis that will keep your chairs from collapsing. Every night, or after you close for the day, wipe down your tables and chairs. Not only will this keep them clean, it is also a good opportunity to notice any weak spots. Check for loose or missing screws on the legs, seat and back. Make sure that chairs and tables do not wobble. If they are missing casters or feet, contact a local commercial furniture supplier to replace the missing parts. By keeping your furniture in good condition, it will be safe for America's growing society.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Customize Your Booth Design

Restaurant booths have become a bore to the everyday diner. Most booths are simple benches covered in vinyl and placed along a wall in the restaurant. This a very functional way to seat guests, but not always the most exciting. Here are some simple ways to spice up your restaurant booth design while still providing functional, comfortable seating for your guests.

1) The simplest way to add pizazz to your booths is to use bright, or unique fabrics for the seat and back. From bright neon colors to elegant brocades, there is a virtually unlimited variety of fabrics and vinyls to choose from. Choose one with just enough detail to make people notice it when they sit down to eat.

2) Experiment with different designs in the back rests of your booths. Hazelwoods Restaurant Furniture has several different designs available, but because all booths are custom manufactured, personalized designs are also an option. Visit the Hazelwoods website to view their existing designs and come up with new ideas for your own design.

3) Instead of placing your booths along the perimeter of your dining room, integrate them among your other tables and chairs. Perhaps a row of booths in the middle of your restaurant will help divide the space and create intimacy. Or a double sided banquette would create an interesting aesthetic. Using booths and banquettes to manage the flow of traffic in your restaurant is an excellent way to spice up your design.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Planning for the Party: The Micro Event

The micro event is an emerging trend among party planners and party goers. A social and economical demand for small, intimate gatherings is leading people to forgo the large, lavish engagement and anniversary parties and opt to have a few friends and family together for a dinner or cocktail party. Restaurants have become a main venue for these parties, especially restaurants with private rooms that can be rented for an evening.

Planning the furniture layout for a micro event can be complex, and even aggravating, depending on the event organizers you are working with. One way of dealing with these types of parties is to completely hire out the furniture, linens, and tableware and make it the party planners responsibility. However, if you are planning to host many parties in the future, you can simplify the process by having several options available for the client.

Having several large banquet tables on hand at all times provides a simple seating solution. They seat many people at the same table and are great for large crowds. However, some people do not like the aesthetic of banquet tables and would rather have more of a typical restaurant setting for their party. For this approach, smaller tables that seat 6 to 8 guests are ideal. Tables do not have to be matching if they are covered by linens and, to mix things up, try a combination of round and square tables. As far as chairs go, you will want to keep them as minimal as possible. Curved legs and arm rests only get in the way when crowded around a table. A chair such as the Diamond Back Chair from Hazelwoods pictured here is an example of a great chair for micro events.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Finding The Right Finish For Your Wood Furniture

Finding the perfect stain color to match your decor and represent the atmosphere of your restaurant can be a very difficult task. If you have existing furniture that you are looking to match exactly, the task can be downright daunting. Browsing through the thousands of samples your furniture supplier has is one option for choosing your finish color, but there are other ways to cut down the time it takes to find the perfect stain color.

To match the stain color of an existing piece of furniture, simply bring the piece to Hazelwoods Restaurant Furniture where the experts there will find the perfect stain for you. The professionals in the Hazelwoods shop have experience matching stain and paint colors for wood chairs and tables. And if the exact finish is unable to be attained due to discontinued items or weathering processes, the designers will suggest other options that may be more time and cost effective, and yet still enhance the look of your restaurant.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Searching for Durability in Your Tables?

At some point in our lives, we have all been seated at a table that is wobbly or has scratch marks and chips taken out of the corner. There are instances where the distressed, destroyed look enhances the aesthetic of the environment, but in most restaurant settings, a clean, classy look is the goal. There are steps that you can take to maintain the quality of your tables, starting with the material they are made from.

Synthetic materials are becoming increasingly popular in the restaurant furniture industry. They are generally less expensive than the real thing and can often are available in custom colors and finishes. In addition, synthetic materials have evolved to be extremely durable.

Faux stone table tops from Hazelwoods Restaurant Furniture are an excellent example of how synthetic materials are both inexpensive and high quality. They are scratch-resistant and can withstand the extreme temperature of hot plates. Because of their durability, faux stone table tops are ideal for outdoor dining and will hold up to moisture, direct sun, and cold weather.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Customize Your Table Tops

A great way to add custom flair to your restaurant is to be creative with your table tops. Technology has made it easier and cheaper to add an interesting graphic or company logo to the top of your table. Hazelwoods Restaurant Furniture has perfected a technique that involves laying the image on the table top and then coating it with layers of thick resin. The hardened resin ensures a quality table top that will withstand the rigors of daily use, while showcasing the creative graphics on the table top.

As far as graphics go, nearly anything is possible. Be creative with your logo or use images that follow the theme of your restaurant. A collage of surf boards on a table would be ideal for a restaurant with an island themed menu. For a jazz bar, sheet music coated in resin would add a touch of whimsy. Be aware of copyright issues if you are using a branded image such as a sports team logo or athlete. Have fun with your table top design, or if you are short on time or creative thoughts, the experts at Hazelwoods can come up with a design that is sure to enhance any decor.

The process that Hazelwoods uses to add custom graphics to a table allows the shape of the table to be unique as well. Feel free to break out of the bounds of simple geometric shapes and go wild. Keep in mind the purpose your tables serve when designing them however. Dining around a table shaped like a guitar could be awkward, but if the table was in a bar or cocktail area and meant to simply hold drinks or appetizers, be creative!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Table Shapes and Sizes

Consider who your restaurant will be serving when choosing tables for your restaurant. Will you be serving large families? Or will most of your guests be couples on a night out? Perhaps your restaurant caters to a business lunch crowd. Think about how these different groups will utilize your space.

Large groups of people, such as families, are going to need large spaces for dining. There are two ways you can accommodate them. 1) Purchase a large table that will seat at least 6 people. Round tables are ideal if you go this route because you can always squeeze another chair in. Or, you can keep a few banquet tables on hand, and simply pull them out when you know a large party is coming. This will work for restaurants that only take reservations, but can be a lot more work than necessary. 2) Purchase several smaller tables that you can pull together to create a large dining space. For this to work, square or rectangular tables are required. If your restaurant is extremely fancy, tables pulled together may not look as nice as you would like. Cover them in a large linen tablecloth to mask the bases and uneven edges.

If your restaurant caters mostly to couple looking for an intimate dining experience, you will want to primarily invest in small tables that seat 2 to 4 guests. This allows for the intimacy that some couples desire, while still providing space for larger parties. Again, small tables can always be pulled together making them extremely versatile.

Think about how you would use the space in different situations. What would you do if you walked into a deli and saw several friends or co-workers? Hopefully there would be an extra chair to pull up to the table so you could easily join them. Try to maximize the versatility of your space with small, movable tables and and a couple extra chairs. Ultimately, design your seating layout in a manner that will best suit your guests.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sustainability as a Trend in Restaurant Furniture

Over the last few years there has been an increasing emphasis on "going green." This trend has encompassed virtually all aspects of business, from manufacturing to transporting products, to green practices in the office. Restaurants are no exception to this trend and display their environmental awareness in many ways. From day to day practices that reduce the amount of waste produced, to cutting back on the amount of energy used in daily operations. The product cycle of restaurant furniture can also be modified to reduce the effect on the environment.

One way to "go green" when purchasing commercial furniture for your restaurant is to consider purchasing from a local company. This will help your wallet, as well as the environment. If the company doesn't have to ship the product across the country, the fuel and energy that would be used in transportation will be saved. You will not have to pay the sometimes outrageous shipping costs. So overall, the best option is to purchase locally. Hazelwoods is a local Phoenix, AZ commercial furniture supplier and manufacturer. Also, by manufacturing the product on site, Hazelwoods reduces the energy that would be used to transport goods, making them even more considerate of the impact they are having on our natural resources.

Another way to reduce the impact your restaurant furniture has on the environment is to reuse old furniture. By recycling your existing furniture, or purchasing used furniture, you are reducing the amount of waste that ends up in our nation's landfills and dumps. Booths and banquettes can easily be refurbished to save money and resources. Simply take them to a local commercial furniture supplier such as Hazelwoods Restaurant Furniture and re-upholster the seat and back with new fabric or vinyl. You could even select an organic fabric to further reduce your impact on the earth. Even chairs and tables can be salvaged. Make sure all joints are tight to ensure they are safe for guests to sit on, and then either upholster the seat or distress the wood to create a unique, one-of-a-kind effect.

There are many more ways to think green and preserve our planet's resources. Be creative with your restaurant furniture and you may find that being sustainable is easier than you thought.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Table Design

From the floor up, table design can make a huge difference in the overall look of your restaurant furniture. There is more than meets the eye as far as tables go, and being aware of the many choices available is sure to enhance your restaurant table concept.

First of all, tables come in a variety of heights. The standard height for dining tables is between 28" and 30" while bar tables are generally 40" to 42" high. Counter height tables are about 36" high. No matter how high your table top is off the ground, keep in mind that the seat of the chair should be about 10" from the top of the table. These measurements will provide optimum comfort to the end users.

There are certain features below the table top that you might want to consider. Foot rungs are available for bar height tables and keep customers' feet from dangling in the air. This would be a good addition if your bar stools do not provide a place to rest feet. Another feature that can be added is under-table purse and coat hooks. These are especially convenient if your bar stools do not have back rests on which to place these items.

Another consideration to keep in mind when planning the table design for your dining room or bar include whether or not to have your tables bolted to the floor. Most places have free standing tables that can be moved, but it is not uncommon to find tables that are stationary. Stationary tables are more sturdy and less likely to tip, but are not very versatile. If you have large groups of people using your dining room, movable tables are ideal. But if you are looking to organize and control the flow of guests, stationary tables may be the correct choice.

The key to choosing the best options for you is to take a close look at the goals and ambitions of your bar or restaurant. Every decision is a matter of weighing pros and cons and only you can know what is best for you.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Custom Outdoor Furniture

While the main focus of your furniture budget may be the indoor dining room tables, booths, and chairs, do not forget about the importance of outdoor furniture. It is meant to be eye catching and draw people into the restaurant, increasing the traffic to your restaurant. There are several ways to add excitement to you patio; in this article I will discuss custom outdoor furniture.

Nearly any typical patio chair or table can be altered to achieve a custom look. Changing the color and finish of a piece of furniture may be the most drastic change you can make, as bright colors are eye-catching. Metal can be powder-coated to create virtually any color and any finish. A high gloss, bright red chair would definitely make a statement next to your front door. Pairing bright, shiny colors with neutrals such as tans, whites, grays, and blacks can make for a very classy, interesting patio. Add a few umbrellas to keep the hot sun off the metal chairs and you've got a shady, inviting seating area for your guests.

A unique look for patio furniture that is just starting to emerge as a trend in restaurant furniture features booths and banquettes as outdoor pieces. Booth seats can be covered in durable materials that are weather and fade resistant. They provide more comfort than traditional patio furniture while being trendy and modern. Take a look at Hazelwoods booths to see how you can enhance your patio.

When To Hire A Professional Designer

When opening a restaurant, there is a limitless number of things to do, therefore the design and layout of the dining room often becomes an afterthought. Fortunately, professional designers are available to handle all the design details of the restaurant while you are busy with other matters.

Designers consult with the owner to determine the overall look for the restaurant. They then go out and shop for the materials and pieces of furniture that will be used in the dining room. This can include lighting, flooring, wall coverings, as well as tables and chairs and benches. Letting someone with expertise in designing can be a great relief, but it can also be quite expensive.

Handing over the cash for a professional designer can be worth it, but before you break the bank, take a look at some of the design ideas on Hazelwoods website, or come in to visit the showroom to see what your options are. The range of fabric samples is virtually limitless, while table tops can be made to match any decor. All booths are custom built to work with any design scheme and can enhance any layout. Whether you decide to hire a professional to do the design work in your restaurant or not, take an active role in the process of restaurant design and layout. This will ensure that your voice is heard and your needs are met.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Custom Booth Options

There are many instances where you may need a custom booth for an oddly shaped corner, or a smaller than normal space. Many furniture suppliers, such as Hazelwoods Restaurant Furniture, manufacture the booths on site and can customize them per your specific needs. Booths can be round to disguise an odd corner, square, or any shape in between. From contemporary curved benches to cozy circular booths, nearly any shape or size can be created.

Even the design of the back of the booth can be customized. Styles to choose from include tufted backs, like the round booth in the top picture, as well as channel backs, and plain, solid backs. Different styles of booth backs can make a huge difference in the atmosphere of the space. A tufted or channel back is very classic and reminiscent of older times while a plain, solid back has a more modern and contemporary look.

Does the Economy Effect the Restaurant Industry?

The current economic environment has had a huge impact on the way we conduct our daily lives. It has effected every aspect of how we spend money as individuals and business owners. We have cut back on unnecessary purchases and recycled items we would normally throw out. How does this effect your restaurant, you may ask.

The restaurant and food service industry is largely dependent on the economics of their location and their target market. When budgets are tight, dining out is often one of the first expenses to be cut. Restaurants can take several steps to mitigate the effects of an economic downturn.

One idea is to increase the volume that your restaurant can handle. With the use of space-saving furniture, you may be able to comfortably add a few more tables to your dining room. Add a patio with furniture if you do not already have one. This will increase your revenue on those nights where your restaurant is extremely busy.

Another money saving idea is to recycle or refurbish your existing furniture. Many chairs and tables lose their feet or become wobbly. Rather than replace them, bring them into a commercial furniture supplier and get them fixed. This is cheaper in the long run than replacing them outright, and will ensure that your furniture stays safe for your guests. Booths and benches also may need some work if the fabric or vinyl is ripped or torn. Contact a Hazelwoods representative to see what they can do for you.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Refurbishing Your Restaurant Booths

Once you initially purchase booths for your restaurant, you may feel like you are stuck with that look, that color scheme. Or perhaps you have recently acquired furniture from an old restaurant and are unhappy with the condition of the furniture. Don't feel as though you have to replace your booths as booths can be easily updated to match your new theme.

The selection of fabrics available for booths is virtually limitless and includes durable vinyls as well as soft suedes and unique patterns. There are even simple changes to the design of the booth that can drastically improve the look of your furniture. Visit Hazelwoods Booth Department for more options. Remember, many places customize furniture based on your specifications so think outside the box with you booth designs.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Make A Statement With Patio Furniture

If you have a patio connected to your restaurant, you may be torn as to whether you should invest in fancy furniture, knowing that it is going to be subject to the elements. You might be thinking that the best course of action is to simply purchase the cheapest furniture so that when it eventually wears out, it is not a huge loss. Just for a second, take a different approach to your patio furniture. Think about what it can do for the success of your restaurant.

Patio furniture is the first thing your guests see when they walk up to your restaurant. Give them the impression that your restaurant is unique and classy with furniture that will grab their attention and bring them inside. Choose furniture that is colorful, or has unique shapes. It doesn't have to be crazy, just something different than the ubiquitous metal/plastic furniture that you see at almost every other restaurant. Consider more lounge-like furniture. Easy chairs and arm chairs make the patio seem much cozier. Add durable cushions to the seats and you've got a very comfortable patio that is sure to draw people into your restaurant.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Space Saving Seating

It is in every restaurant's best interest to maximize the seating capacity of the establishment. You have a set square footage for the restaurant or bar and need to comfortably cram as many seats as possible into the space. There are several effective methods for maximizing seating capacity in a restaurant or bar.

1) Line the walls of the restaurant with a banquette or booths. Booths and benches are a great way to utilize the space right next to a wall that can sometimes go unused. While a booths are not very versatile (you cannot move seats or rearrange tables to accommodate different sizes of parties), banquettes provide ample seating and allow for versatility. Tables can be pushed together for large groups. Another attractive feature of banquettes is that virtually any body type can comfortably sit and dine.

2) In your bar, use bar stools without back rests. Back rests add extra bulk to the chair, and while they might not actually take up more square footage, they clutter the appearance of your bar. Generally people become more agitated in busy environments so keeping the visual clutter to a minimum is a good idea. With the back rests out of the way, you can add a few more bar stools without making the bar seem overly full. Be careful not to cram too many seats in the bar as people don't always enjoy rubbing elbows with a stranger.

3) Round tables are a great way to easily add seating without over-filling your dining room. A round table can comfortable fit 5, where a square table could only seat 4. This is a simple way of maximizing your dining room's seating potential without making it look like you're trying to cram chairs around tables. The most important thing to keep in mind is to not over do it. You'll find that a few extra chairs will be an asset, while too many may actually harm your restaurant's profits.

Adding Value with Vinyl

Though once thought to be cheap and unattractive, vinyl has evolved to become a very valuable material for both commercial and residential design projects. The cheap plastic-y material of the past has been modified and improved and is now a soft, supple, durable material that can enhance any dining room, whether it is in a restaurant or your own home.

First of all, vinyl is durable. It can withstand wear and tear that other materials such as leather and fabric cannot. Leather is easily scratched and stained while fabric can tear easily and be hard to clean. Vinyl is specifically manufactured with rough conditions in mind. It does not tear or rip easily and does not show scratches. It is easy to clean (just a quick wipe down with a wet cloth) and is stain resistant. It is ideal for high traffic environments, such as restaurants or bars, but can also be used for an easy care alternative in residential dining rooms.

Vinyl is also extremely versatile. There is a virtually limitless selection of colors and designs for you to choose from. Generally vinyl is manufactured in solid colors, but there are variations on texture and sheen. Vinyls may be combined in one piece of furniture to create a custom look. For example, you may combine a matte black vinyl with a metallic gold glossy vinyl in a booth seat. To view the wide selection of vinyls that are available, visit Hazelwoods.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Finding the Best Deal on Furniture

Sometimes what seems like the best deal is not always. The most important rule to follow when trying to maximize a budget is to do your research. First find the companies with the lowest prices, but then also inquire about bulk discounts. Often suppliers will add a 5 or 10% discount to large orders. Paying attention to discounts like these can save you money while still giving the same amount of furniture.

Say you have 23 tables in your restaurant, each needing 4 chairs. That makes for 92 chairs total. For ease, lets say each chair costs $50. The chairs alone will run you $4,600. However, if the furniture supplier has a bulk discount on orders over 100 chairs, it is in your best interest to order a few more. If you buy 100 chairs at $50 a piece the subtotal is $5,000. Add a 10% discount and your total is $4,500, $100 less than if you only ordered the 92 chairs that you needed. In the end, you get more chairs for less money. The supplier may also have discounts on tables so you might be able to get 2 extra tables for the extra chairs you have for a good deal.

Ultimately, to find the best deals on furniture, you need to do some research. visit several places to compare prices and ask about any discounts before you place your order.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Custom Tables

Customized tables are a great way to showcase your restaurant's individuality and creativity. They can be great for advertising purposes or simply for decoration. Custom tables can improve the flow of your restaurant as well as add an interesting dimension to the layout.

Tables can be customized to meet your specific needs. Whether you need a basic 30" x 30" square table with your logo printed on the top, or table that has a custom shape and size, the experts at Hazelwoods have you covered. Be creative with your table tops and add pizazz to your restaurant.

Custom tables can be used for more than just dining. Poker tables and gaming tables can be manufactured at some commercial furniture suppliers. Felt-covered and complete with chip holders, custom made gaming tables are great for either home or business.

There are an unlimited number of applications for custom-made tables. Visit with your Hazelwoods Sales Representative to design your own table.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bar Layout and Design

The traditional bar set up is a long bar along one wall with space behind it for the bartender to work his/her magic. Perhaps there will be stools or seats along to bar for patrons to sit, but generally there isn't much emphasis on other bar furniture. There are ways to create more revenue by simply adding furniture to the bar.

There is often a lot of wasted space in a bar so why don't you place a few tall pub tables or bar tables in this space to add more room for people to converse. Where there is space, people will go, so you don't have to worry about tables not being put to use. Whether or not you arrange chairs or stools around the table is another thing to consider. If there are no seats at the tables, people will go to the bar to get a drink and gather around the tables to chat before going back to the bar for additional drinks. If you want to create a more formal bar setting, place chairs around the tables and have cocktail servers serve drinks to guests.

Bar furniture can be more than just decorative, it can help your business grow!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Does Your Restaurant Cater to the Aging Population?

It is an undisputed fact that the average age of the American citizen is increasing. Because of this there is a growing need in the health care industries. How does this effect your restaurant? Your restaurant needs to reflect the change in demographic or else your business may become obsolete.

The Baby Boomer generation is reaching the age where they need special accommodations to satisfy their needs. A large portion of the population needs mobility assistance in the form of walkers, wheelchairs, or canes. Your restaurant needs to allow adequate space for people with poor mobility to easily get to and from the table. Provide extra space for walkways and do not crowd chairs around tables. You should be able to remove just one chair from a table to make room for a wheelchair. Table height is another thing to consider when designing for an elderly clientele. Pub tables and bar height tables may not be the best choice as they are too high to pull a wheelchair up to. Also, it can be difficult for the elderly to climb onto a bar stool.

If you keep in mind the population you are serving and cater your furniture around their needs, you will have no problem when it comes to providing an excellent experience for people with disabilities and special needs.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Table Bases: More Than Support

There is more than meets the eye when it comes to table bases. There are different types of bases to support different types and sized of tables, and different styles of bases to match any decor. Choosing the right table base can be as simple as talking to an expert.

Pedestal bases
are the most popular trend right now. They have only one support and provide the most space for legs and feet. For larger tables, consider using multiple pedestal bases for support. The downfall of pedestal bases, however, is that they can become wobbly over time. You can prevent this by frequently checking to make sure all screws and attachments are tight. Wipe the table base down on a daily basis to prevent buildup of food and grime, especially if your restaurant has fried or greasy food as the oil seems to get everywhere. If you maintain your table bases well, a pedestal base may be the right choice for you.

Another option for table support is the use of table legs. Table legs are a very classic look and are an excellent choice if you want to accent your furniture. Legs come in many styles and colors to create any look you want. From contemporary chrome legs to country chic distressed wood legs, you can create enhance your tables with legs as support.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Going Retro

There are many styles that come and go as the times change, but there is always a way to put to use the out-dated furniture in your restaurant. Retro furniture can convey several themes, depending on the atmosphere you wish to achieve in your dining room, making it a very versatile and interesting furniture choice.

If you choose colorful, funky furniture reminiscent of the 1960's or 1970's, your restaurant may have a slightly groovy feel to it. Imagine a bar/lounge with low couches in psychedelic colors, chrome chairs and lava lamps. Dim the overhead lights and you've got a perfect hippie lounge.

If this is not your style, take a different approach to retro furniture. Find 50's era chroma and Naugahyde chairs to place around a laminate table in bold colors. This down home look is sure to enhance any Southern-style BBQ joint. Distressed wood can also lend a comforting touch to restaurant decor. Darker, worn furniture can also give a sense of comfort.

No matter what your theme is, retro furniture may be the perfect fit. Visit Hazelwoods to talk to an expert and find out what will enhance your restaurant.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Restaurant Furniture: Color Matters

Restaurant seating goes beyond simply providing a place for people to sit while they eat. There is much more that goes into executing a restaurant seating plan than initially comes to mind. Furniture is often what guests see first when they walk in the door. Depending on what your aim is, you either want them to notice it because it is exotic and unique, or you want it to blend in to create a more peaceful atmosphere. Furniture represents the restaurant's character visually.

If the furniture is colorful and funky, the restaurant will seem brighter and generally happier. Guests will feel as though they can be loud and have fun without worrying about disrupting other guests. Bright colors are common in restaurants that cater to families and young people.

On the other end of the color spectrum, dark colors convey a much different atmosphere. If your restaurant concept is directed at a more sophisticated crowd, you may want to dim the lights and use deeper colors that will produce a more intimate environment in your dining room. For romantic date nights, darkness is ideal. Keep it fresh though with splashes of white or a lighter accent color such as gold, red, or blue.

Neutral colors also represent the intent of the restaurant. Tans, beiges, browns, blacks, greys, and whites, are all ideal color choices for casual dining. These colors are comfortable because they are not overwhelming or harsh. They easily complement any type of food or service. A simple way to spice up a neutral themed restaurant is to add colorful accents such as napkins, table cloths, or seat fabrics.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Refresh Your Dining Room For Cheap!

Every restaurant sometimes needs a little refreshing, whether it be a menu update, or a simple change in decor. There are some very cheap and inexpensive ways to update your restaurant without breaking the bank.

1) If your tables are showing signs of wear, there are several inexpensive ways to make them look their best again. You can simply cover them with table cloths, if you don't mind the extra duty of laundering the linens. If that doesn't sound appealing, you can refurbish your existing tables by sanding them and re-staining them, or painting them to hide the signs of wear.

2) The seats of chairs and benches become worn much more quickly than other parts of the furniture. Most chairs have removable seats that you can take to a furniture upholsterer to get re-finished. Even booth and banquette seats can be re-upholstered. Contact a commercial furniture dealer such as Hazelwoods to find out how to remove the seats and get them recovered.

3) One way to spice up your dining room is to simply change the layout of your tables. Set them on a diagonal if they're not already, or arrange tables in clusters if possible. Give some excitement to your layout and be creative!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Dealing With Unexpected Obstacles

Undoubtedly, there obstacles will arise when planning your restaurant seating. The key to overcoming these challenges is to keep an open mind. Don't become so engrossed in the details of your design when focusing on the bigger picture may be more of an asset. Also, work with your furniture provider to come up with solutions to any problems that may arise.

As a commercial furniture expert, I have witnessed many instances where the process of purchasing and installing furniture has not gone as planned. From the contractor building the bar 3 inches higher than the plans specified, to the hassle of matching existing, possibly discontinued, furniture, the first place to ask for help is always the furniture supplier where you plan on purchasing your new furniture. Hazelwoods Restaurant Furniture in Phoenix offers many custom options and will work with you to make your experience as easy as possible.

Sales people are always looking to make a deal, so when things go wrong, they will do everything in their power to fix it. This can be to you advantage. When the bar was built 3 inches too high, Hazelwoods customized a bar stool for that particular restaurant. They added an additional 3 inches to the legs of the stool. When a franchise restaurant needed to replace some of their furniture, the sales staff went to extreme lengths to match the stain of the wood and find the fabric so the new furniture would match exactly.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Waiting Area Furniture

Restaurant furniture is not only about providing a comfortable space for eating, but also for waiting. You are likely to have customers come in before you have a table ready for them. In these cases, having a comfortable waiting area is a good idea.

If a restaurant does not have a waiting area, patrons waiting to be seated are left to their own devices to find a place to wait. Generally, people will wait in the middle of a foyer or right in front of the hostess stand, blocking other guests from leaving and entering the restaurant. This makes for an uncomfortable and unpleasant experience for everyone involved.

In order to solve the problem of crowding in the entry way, place benches along the walls of the foyer. Or, another option is to set aside a small portion of the dining room or an area near the entrance to the restaurant for a few small cocktail tables and chairs. This gives your guests a place to comfortably begin their dining experience in your restaurant.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Outdoor Furniture: Materials That Make Sense

Restaurants with outdoor seating may find that their patios can be a great asset. Patios may seem unnecessary, but in reality, they provide more dining space, and in turn, more revenue. Outdoor dining does have one drawback, however, and that is that the elements can severely damage your furniture, costing you money to repair or replace it.

There are certain materials that hold up better to weather conditions than others. Obviously metal is going to last longer than wood, and plastic will last longer than wicker, but there are certain steps that can be taken to ensure a long life for your patio furniture, regardless of material.

+ Metal has a tendency to rust when used outdoors so one way to fix this problem is to paint the metal, or have a clear coat finish applied. This will keep the metal from being exposed and prone to rust, keeping your furniture nicer longer.

+ Wood can warp and fade when exposed to the elements so it is not always the best choice for outdoor furniture. However if there is no other option, cover it with a thick polyurethane lacquer that will protect it from moisture and heat.

+ Plastic may become brittle if it gets too dry so try to keep it in the shaded areas of the patio, or if possible, place misters strategically around the patio to keep it slightly moisturized.

+ Wicker is generally thought of as an outdoor material, but it also can become brittle if it gets too dry. Make sure to keep it moist and if necessary, wipe it down with a furniture polish.

For more information visit Hazelwoods.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Easing Restaurant Congestion

Restaurants have a tendency to become clogged and congested with furniture. Often owners and managers attempt to fit as many seats as possible into the dining room without leaving much room for servers and guests to easily move around the restaurant. The crowding of tables and chairs is unnecessary as there are ways to maximize the seating capacity of your restaurant without causing discomfort.

Consider placing booths along the walls of your restaurant. Booths and banquettes are an excellent way of providing versatile seating. Because benches do not have distinct seats, more people can fit. They are also a way of providing seating for different sizes of guests. Several children can easily share the same space an adult would take up therefore reducing the clutter that chairs can create.

Place tables on the diagonal. When tables are at an angle, the chairs do not back directly into each other. Whether there is actually more space between the tables or not, having tables set at an angle provides the illusion that there is more space and gives your guests a more comfortable dining experience.

To view options for table and booth design, visit Hazelwoods.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Following the Trends in Restaurant Furniture

Restaurant furniture trends can be difficult, if not impossible, to predict. There are several reasons for the tricky nature of restaurant furniture trends.

First, themed restaurants follow their own rules when it comes to restaurant furniture. Themed restaurants already know what their look is going to be. They know that people are visiting their restaurant for an over the top experience that may include costumes, music, as well as unusual or unique furniture. Furniture that would not necessarily be appropriate for a more subdued diner, may be found in themed restaurants.

Secondly, many restaurants aim to provide a cultural experience. Regions from all over the world are represented in restaurants and diners. Not only is the food representative of the culture, but the decor of the restaurant is too. Different patterns and colors will be used in restaurants that want to convey a cultural reference than in other restaurants.

Lastly, there are thousands of styles of restaurant furniture, many of them subjective. What one person thinks is interesting and unique, another may regard as distasteful and garbage. From classic wood chairs to contemporary metal chairs, the range of style is immense. Booths can be custom made to enhance any design theme, while table tops come in a virtually limitless array of colors and patterns.

To view styles of furniture that may enhance your restaurant, visit Hazelwoods.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Importance of Quality

You may wonder what the big deal is about restaurant furniture. Can't you simply find cheap chairs from any furniture place? The answer is no.

Some furniture is made specifically for restaurants. There are certain specifications that accompany commercial grade furniture. Commercial furniture is much sturdier and long lasting that the furniture you would buy for your home. Have you ever had slats fall out of your home dining chairs? Or wobbly legs on your table? These things can be easily fixed in a home setting, but in a public restaurant, the quality of your furniture must be top notch. It may not seem like a big deal, but to a customer dining in your restaurant, a wobbly table or chair can be a huge annoyance. Take care to always check your furniture for safety and reliability. You do not want chairs breaking as patrons take their seat or tables tipping over because of unstable bases.

Visti Hazelwoods for many quality furniture choices.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How to Minimize Furniture Costs

Sticking to a budget is crucial to the success of any start up or existing business. In the restaurant business, keeping track of expenses is imperative to a smoothly running establishment. Obviously, you want your business to run smoothly without any financial stresses. Unfortunately, very few of us can ever be completely free of financial obligations so here are a few tips to minimize the costs you incur when purchasing restaurant furniture.

1) Look at different finish options. A wood seat may be more economical than an upholstered seat because it takes less labor to manufacture. If you are set on having cushioned seats, look at different fabric and vinyl options. Different grades of material have different prices. Be sure to weigh the pros and cons before choosing the cheapest material, however, as you may be forced to replace your furniture more frequently if you are too cheap.

2) Ask the supplier about clearance furniture. Often items are discontinued by a manufacturer and the stock on hand needs to be sold quickly. One thing to keep in mind when buying discontinued furniture is that when it is time to replace it, you are not likely to find the exact same chair. Again, weigh the pros and cons.

3) Buy in bulk. Sometimes suppliers will cut a deal if you buy a certain quantity. Try to furnish your entire restaurant at once, and not replace furniture on a rotating schedule. Also, if you have outdoor dining, purchase your patio furniture at the same time you purchase your dining room furniture. The larger your order, the less you spend per piece on shipping and freight charges as well.

To find quality furniture at low prices, visit Hazelwoods.

Monday, August 24, 2009

How to Find Quality Furniture

It may seem as though the restaurant furniture is restaurant furniture, and that it is all the same quality. You may be part of this group of thinkers, or perhaps you have experience buying restaurant furniture, and you know that there is a difference between true quality and the cheapest chair on the market. The truth is, what you pay for is what you get.

When searching for furniture, you may find an amazing deal on chairs or bar stools that seems too good to pass up. Take into consideration what you are paying for, however. Likely, these chairs have come directly from China. They do not have the options for customization that local companies may offer. And they often will not include a guarantee that ensures the quality of the product.

You can find quality furniture at local suppliers who custom build their products. One such company, Hazelwoods Restaurant Furniture, custom builds all tables and booths to your specifications. They guarantee that their product will satisfy your needs and be of high quality when you make the purchase so you can rest assured, knowing that you have obtained commercial grade furniture that will last you for years to come.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Flexible Restaurant Layout

When planning your dining room and the furniture to go in it, you want to make sure you have a variety of different types of tables and chairs. Keep in mind that you will likely have large groups come into the restaurant, and on occasion, you may host parties of special events. Your dining room furniture should have the ability to move around to accommodate all types of guests.

In order to create a comfortable dining atmosphere for many types of groups, you should have a very flexible seating plan. You do not want to fill your dining room entirely with booths or stationary tables. Nor do you want all your tables to be round. Small square or rectangle table are ideal for pushing together to create large tables. Also, tables spaced along a banquette can be pushed together. However, banquettes are pose both solutions and problems to seating large groups. Because a banquette has no set number that it can seat, more people can sit on a banquette than in chairs that take up the same space. The con of the banquette situation is that it is difficult for people to get up and use the restroom, especially if people are seated on either side of them. Round tables can be awkward when pushed together. Small round tables are fine in bars when people mostly just use them to set drinks and appetizers on, but when a full meal is being served, round tables can be extremely inconvenient and awkward.

The more flexible your seating plan is, the easier it will be to accommodate your guests. Simply consider your guests and their needs when planning your dining room and they will be satisfied.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Current Trends in Bar Furniture

When it comes to bar furniture, you have much more freedom to experiment with different types of furniture. Bars should convey a relaxed, fun atmosphere rather than a stuffy, formal one. One way to do this is to keep your furniture modern and comfortable.

Counter height tables are a popular trend in bar furniture. They provide an extra dimension to the aesthetic of the bar by adding a different height. These pub-style tables will visually separate your bar from the rest of the dining room without physically blocking it off. One thing to be aware of is the varying heights of these tables and chairs. Make sure that the distance between the seat of the chair and the top of the table is about 10" which is the standard for dining comfort. Booths and banquettes can even be custom built to accommodate a pub-style table. Combine a raised banquette with counter-height tables and bar stools for a unique, modern look. Visit Hazelwoods for more information on booths and tables.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Easy-Care Restaurant Furniture

The day to day operations of your restaurant are a major factor to consider when choosing restaurant furniture. You must plan for the wear and tear that occurs from regular use, as well as the effort and time it will take for your staff to maintain the furniture. There are several ways to mitigate the labor costs involved with restaurant furniture care.

Reduce the effort it takes to clean and care for furniture by paying attention to the little details. Avoid chairs that have lots of little crevices where crumbs and food can gather. Keep your furniture simple, with few rungs or slats in the back to decrease the mount of time it takes to dust the furniture. You'll want to utilize materials that wipe down easily such as smooth metals, and woods with a gloss finish to them. Materials with lots of texture are more likely to grab food residue which can build up over time. Fabrics should be used sparingly throughout the restaurant. When used, they should be treated with stain-guard products.

These are just some general guidelines to follow for easy care restaurant furniture. If your restaurant theme calls for fancier, more intricate and ornate furniture, go for it! The satisfaction of having a beautiful restaurant will offset the effort it takes to maintain it. There are pros and cons for every decision, it is your responsibility to have all the information you need before you make a leap. For examples of easy care furniture, visit Hazelwoods.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Special Requirements for Patio Furniture

Patio furniture can be a beast of a project. It can even be more overwhelming than selecting indoor dining furniture. There are many, many considerations to factor into your ultimate decision.

Patio furniture must be more durable than the furniture you choose for your dining room, especially if your restaurant is located in a region where the climate can be harsh. Extreme heat, cold, and moisture can damage furniture beyond use. A covered patio will provide some relief from the elements, but will not protect your furniture 100%. If possible, set aside an indoor space to store patio furniture during the off season.

As far as the furniture itself, you want to choose something that won't be warped by heat or moisture. This means that generally wood furniture is out of the question unless it is heavily treated and protected by resins and epoxies. Metal seat frames are a good choice. There are many options for styles and sized available so it wouldn't be difficult to find a style to match your decor. For comfort, removable seat cushions are one options. They can be stored indoors during storms and at night. If you're looking for an attached seat cushion, vinyl is a good option. Also, there are some other synthetic materials that can stand up to the elements. Visit the pros at Hazelwoods to find out more.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Restaurant Space Planning

When planning the dining room of your restaurant, you will obviously want to fit as many seats into your restaurant as possible. The more seats you have, the more patrons can dine at once, and the more money you make. Much thought goes into this part of the restaurant planning, you want to maximize your space, but you do not want to make your guests feel uncomfortable. Here are some guidelines to follow.

A general rule is to keep 24" to 30" in between chairs for a clear walkway. This is the distance from the back of one chair to the back of another chair at an adjacent table. The space between tables that do not have chairs should be between 36" and 42." And for walkways next to booths, the same 36" to 42" should be adequate for s
ervers to carry food and for guests to walk through.

Again, these are merely general ideas for space planning. Be aware of your local fire codes and restrictions as these vary from region to region.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Best Place to Purchase Restaurant Furniture

Deciding where to purchase furniture for your restaurant is a big deal. There are several options available to you when you decide you're ready to furnish your establishment.

The first option is to go through a designer or contractor. Generally, if you choose to go this route, the designer will be in charge of the entire decor of the restaurant. From the flooring, to the wall covering, to the tables and chairs, they obtain and install everything. This is ideal if you do not want to be very involved in the design process. However, there are several downfalls to this method. For one, you do not get to be directly involved in the interior planning of your own restaurant. Secondly, you do not build a relationship with the furniture supplier. Building rapport with the furniture company is a good idea. Down the road, if you need more chairs and tables that match the existing furniture, chances are the furniture company will remember you and your project.

The other option is to buy directly from a restaurant furniture supplier. This method is good for restaurateurs who have a good idea of what they are looking for in furnishings for their restaurant. Visiting a show room will give you a good feeling of what kind of furniture is available. Keep in mind that many places can customize their products, build it from a design plan, or order furniture for you if they do not have it in stock. The benefit of dealing directly with the furniture supplier is that you are cutting out one more level of communication, cutting down on misunderstandings and further ensuring that you get exactly what you want.

Hazelwoods is a restaurant furniture supplier that deals both with design contractors and restaurant owners. Visit the website to check out their line of product.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Restaurant Booth Layout

Booths are a very popular seating solution for casual dining restaurants and they are becoming even more accepted in quick-serve and fine dining restaurants. As simple as they look, booths can pose several space planning issues.

You want to make sure that the tables you choose to go with your booths are the right size. If the table is too small, people will have to lean over to eat, but if the table is too large people will have a difficult time getting into the booth. Typically booths are 6' from the back of one seat to the back of the facing seat. This allows adequate room for a standard 30" wide table.

As for the length of the table, the only thing to remember is that you do not want the table protruding from the booth seats. Industry standard says that the table should end 1" short of the edge of the booth. This keeps sharp corners out of the walkway, preventing injuries and spills. Also, if the table is too long, it will be difficult for you guests to get in and out of the booth. Consider keeping your booths to a max of 4 people per booth and reserving tables for larger parties.

L-shaped booths are another option. They are great for corners, or for placing at the end of a banquette. You can combine 2 L-shaped booths to create more variety with booths. Keep in mind that L-shaped booths can still be difficult to get into and out of, so do not try to cram too many place settings in one section.

For booth design dimensions and layout ideas, visit Hazelwoods.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Adding Style to Restaurant Furniture

Many times, restaurant furniture can seem to get lost in the restaurant. Of course, I do not mean this literally. But sometimes when you walk into a restaurant, the furniture is just furniture. There are a few simple steps you can take to turn boring restaurant furniture into artwork.

First of all, add color!! Instead of using a plain black vinyl for seats, try a color that goes with your logo or simply a color you like. Even if your restaurant calls for sophistication, deep maroons and plums will do a lot to enhance the place. Try a different approach by adding color to the walls and using neutrals for the furniture. The contrast between the neutrals and bright colors is sure to add dimension to your restaurant. Another place to add color is on table tops. This is a good place to portray the theme of your restaurant. Put images, bottle caps, or even your logo on the top of your tables.

Second, experiment with different shapes! Table tops are available in many different shapes. Many tables can be custom shaped for your restaurant. If your budget doesn't allow for custom shapes, try alternating square and round for a unique look. Try adding curves and designs to the back of your dining chairs and bar stools. You can often order custom cut-outs in chair backs. Coffee cups and mugs are popular motifs for cafes, while martini and wine glasses can be used for bar stools.

Lastly, remember your booths! Booths can sometimes be forgotten as they are often pushed against a wall. As I said before, add color and shapes. You can add a piece that goes above the booth for extra style. Also, think about upholstery options, not just fabric choice. Take a look at some of the styles that Hazelwoods offers. Try adding buttons or channels to the booth backs.

Stylizing your restaurant furniture will not only liven up the atmosphere, but it will instill a sense of excitement in your guests when they walk through the door.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The In's and Out's of Bar Furniture

Bar furniture has different requirements than dining room furniture. It serves a completely different purpose to your customers. Chairs in a dining room are specifically meant to be pulled up to a table, whereas bar furniture is meant to be more conducive to conversation.

Comfort is not the most important thing when it comes to bar furniture, however it is always good to keep it in mind. Bar furniture has come a long way from the days when a simple 3-leg wooden stool would suffice. Now there are thousands of different options to choose from, some more comfortable than others. Think about how long you want your guests to sit at the bar when choosing seats. If the bar is the main focus of your establishment, you might want to go with something more comfortable, but if the bar is simply an add-on to a restaurant, you do not want people to get too comfortable in the bar.

Bar furniture should be able to be moved. Often, people in bars move stools and tables around to accommodate their group. Having moveable furniture allows guests to create their own seating arrangements which can enhance the experience they have in your restaurant. Many bars that have stationary bar stools have swivel seats installed on them. This helps to aid conversation in a bar setting.

The furniture you choose for your bar should not be merely an afterthought. It takes much consideration to produce a quality, function bar.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Chairs: Wood vs. Metal

When choosing chairs and bar stools for your dining room and bar, there are many things to consider, including materials used and comfort level.

The materials chosen for the construction of your chairs and bar stools can either enhance or detract from the aesthetic you are aiming for. While a metal chair will convey a sportier, more casual atmosphere, wood chairs can make the room seem more elegant or cozy. If your restaurant runs on the higher end of the dining spectrum, a chair such as the Beidermeier chair is sure to please your discriminating guests. A sports bar and grill may be more interested in metal chairs and bar stools that will stand up to the wear and tear caused by raucous fans.

When deciding how comfortable your chairs should be, consider your clientele. Who will be sitting in your chair. Also consider how long it will take them to eat their meal, pay their bill, and exit. Does your restaurant have the kind of atmosphere that would make a group want to stay and linger over a drink or dessert? If so, add a little extra padding to upholstered seats. In a fast food type of restaurant, comfort is not as important. As long as your customers have a place to sit that is comfortable for at least 30 minutes, while they eat, they will be satisfied.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Take Chances With Your Restaurant Furnishings!

Opening a new restaurant is one of the riskiest endeavors out there, so it makes sense to reduce any risk you can. However you want to be careful, because just like bland food, bland decor can turn away your guests. Restaurant furnishings may be the one area in your new business venture where you should feel comfortable taking risks.

Generally when people choose to dine out, they do so because they want to get out of their home for a meal. They are looking for a change of pace and something to stimulate their senses. Your restaurant should do more than just satisfy their taste buds, it should become a dining experience. Restaurant furniture plays a huge part in the ambiance of your restaurant. Feel free to experiment with new shapes and colors. Your customers do not have to live with the design scheme of your restaurant, so they won't mind being in a wild environment for a few hours.

Check out new ideas at Hazelwoods.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Advantages of Laminate Table Tops

Laminate table tops have long had a poor reputation that originates from its association with cheap imitations of wood and natural stone. In fact, laminate materials are so versatile that they can do much more than simply imitate. Laminates are available in a nearly limitless selection of colors and patterns to match any decor. Because they are made from synthetic materials, any color, pattern, design, or image can be displayed on your table top

Technological advances in synthetic materials and manufacturing processes have greatly increased the appeal of laminate tables to consumers. Tables today are a far cry from the peeling, cracking laminates in your grandparent's house. The advances in laminates have also allowed them to become a plausible alternative to natural wood and stone. Even the texture of natural materials can be expressed through laminates.

Synthetic materials are not only beneficial for color choices, they also lend themselves to practicality and usability. Laminate table tops are famous for being easy to clean and care for. They do not require any special seals or finishes in order to be adequate for commercial use and they can withstand the normal wear and tear of the day to day operations of a restaurant.

Visit Hazelwoods Restaurant Furniture for more information on laminate table tops and other quality products at budget friendly prices!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Quality vs. Price: Is it Worth the Money to Splurge?

When selecting a fabric for booth benches and seat covers, there are thousands of options available. From vinyls and leathers to smooth velvets and suedes, there is an option available to enhance any decor theme. Even the quality of the fabric is an option for furniture buyers. Many furniture companies will offer custom seat upholstery in the fabric of your choice. Obviously, sales people will try to push the most expensive fabrics and vinyls, as their job is to increase the sale amount. However, sales people are also trying to look out for your best interest.

A good sales person will inform you about the different grades of fabric that are available for upholstery. They should let you know exactly what you are getting for your money. If you decide to go with a budget friendly grade, you should know that it will most likely not last as long as a higher grade. This may mean that you'll end up spending more in the long run if you need to replace your seat cushions more frequently. A higher grade of fabric may also enhance the atmosphere of your restaurant or bar. It can make the dining area more comfortable and inviting to your guests.

Overall there are many factors other than color and pattern to consider when choosing upholstery fabric. The most important thing is to be aware of your budget and what you are getting for your money. The experts at Hazelwoods are here to help you find the best fit for your budget and your restaurant.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Versatility of Booths

When you open your restaurant, chances are that you will have a combination of different seating arrangements for your guests. Booths and banquettes are an extremely versatile seating option that is sure to meet the various needs of your patrons.

Some people in your restaurant may be looking for a family friendly place. They will want a table where children who may be noisy will not bother other guests. Also be sure that when considering families, you have high chairs and booster seats available that will safely accommodate younger children. Perhaps a larger table on one side of the restaurant, or a booth at the end of a wall would be best for this situation. An important thing to keep in mind, however, is that you do not want your guests to feel as though they are dining in a dark corner, away from all the attention from the waitstaff. One way to avoid this is to have an open seating area, free from high walls and booth backs. Also, keeping tables well lit will help.

Though a bright, open dining room is ideal for some guests, others may prefer a more intimate setting. Say a couple is visiting your restaurant to celebrate an anniversary, they most likely would like to be seated in a secluded area that provides more privacy. A good way to accommodate a couple that desires privacy is to build small booths that are dimly lit and have high backs to them. This provides the most privacy while still keeping your patrons from feeling as though they are being purposely ignored.

Booths are a good option for many different dining groups as they are extremely versatile. Visit for more information about styles and types of booths.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Importance of Patio Furniture

Patio furniture is often an afterthought for many restaurant owners. It can be put on the back burner when owners are busy planning out their dining rooms and bar furniture. In reality, patio furniture can really be an important aspect of restaurant furniture.

The patio is generally the first thing a customer sees when they pull up to a restaurant. Their first impressions are based on what they initially see when they arrive at your restaurant. If they see a patio with warped tables and broken umbrellas, they will not have very high expectations for the restaurant as a whole. You may think that people will not notice small details like that, but the truth is that even though some people may not consciously notice defects of patio furniture, but they still internalize the fact that it is in disrepair and this affects their general attitude toward your restaurant. Investing in nice patio furniture is definitely worth the effort.

Now that you have an attractive patio, you cannot neglect the interior furniture. Seeing a nice patio and then walking into a dingy restaurant can be just as off-putting. It is important to be consistent with the quality and style of furniture throughout your dining area. Make sure that the decorative theme flows smoothly between outdoors and indoors so that guests feel a sense of continuity in the restaurant.

To take a look at some patio furniture, visit Patio furniture comes in many different styles to suit many different needs. Be sure to choose the patio furniture that best meets your requirements and specifications.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fabric vs. Vinyl: Costs and Benefits of Each

Selecting fabrics and materials for the chairs in your restaurant involves more than just a color scheme. Obviously, the fabric on the chairs in your restaurant will complement your design theme, but the seat coverings you choose will do more than just look good.

Seat covers on upholstered chairs and bar stools must be practical as well as beautiful. Many options are available that cater to the special requirements of the restaurant industry. Many restaurants choose to go with something that is easy to clean and care for such as vinyl. Vinyl sometimes has a bad reputation as a cheap, unattractive material, but this is not the case any more. There are many companies who supply high-quality vinyl in new colors and patterns. Vinyl is easy to care for, which is one of it's major attributes. If food or liquid is spilled on the seat, a quick wipe down with a wet cloth is all that is necessary to clean it.

On the other end of the seating spectrum, high end tapestry-like fabrics are also commonly used in restaurants. Many fine dining restaurants opt to use a more comfortable fabric than vinyl. Thick fabrics with lots of texture are very common as they tend to hide stains better than smooth fabrics. If you are determined that a smooth, soft fabric is the right for your restaurant, there are a couple steps you can take to make sure they last for years. First, invest in a fabric coating that will repel liquid and not let it soak into the fabric and stain it. Something that is waterproof is your best bet. Also, make sure the seats of the chairs are removable. This will keep you from having to replace the whole chair if a seat gets too worn or stained. Replacing seat covers is easy. Simply remove the seat from the chair frame, buy a yard of the same fabric, staple it to the seat of the chair and re-attach the seat to the chair. Or for more complex chairs and a professional job, take your chairs to Hazelwoods Restaurant Furniture.

Ultimately, any seat covering choice can be the right choice as long as you know the pros and cons of the material you decide upon. Whether you choose vinyl or a fancy fabric, each has costs and benefits.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pros & Cons of Table Finishes

We would all love to dine at the nicest marble and wood top tables, but that is not practical in the least. There are different table top materials and finishes for a reason: practicality.

First off, practicality of price. Solid wood table tops most likely do not make the best business sense for a start-up restaurant with a small budget. Though they may look nice, the richness of a solid wood table does not come cheap. Most small restaurants opt for more budget-friendly dining tables by choosing laminate tables, or simply getting inexpensive plastic tables and covering them with linens. It is smart to think about the long run cost of tables, as well. For example, if you choose to use linen table cloths, you will have laundry costs. Also some table materials may require special cleaning products or re-finishing on a regular basis. All these factors will impact your bottom line.

Practicality as it impacts your daily operations is another extremely important aspect of table top shopping. Some table top materials are better suited to certain environments. You most likely would not put a solid wood table on a patio because wood is likely to warp in the elements. A metal table top might hold up better. But metal also has the downside of becoming extremely hot in direct sunlight. After considering all the pros and cons of different table tops you might choose to go with a synthetic material such as faux stone or some sort of plastic.

The options are virtually limitless when it comes to table top materials and finishes. Make your decision based on what will work best for your environment and budget.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Following Trends in Restaurant Furniture

Just like any industry, the restaurant furniture business has trends that come and go. Knowing the current trend in any industry is an important part of being successful and while it is not necessary, or even business-savvy, to update your restaurant furniture every time a new product or idea comes out, it is good practice to be aware of new trends.

There are several different methods of learning about new trends in the restaurant furniture industry that are sure to keep you up to date.

1) You can go to industry trade shows. Trade shows bring many different companies to the same arena where they can showcase their newest and most interesting products. Even if you don't end up buying anything or making a deal at the show, it is a good place to gather ideas.

2) Visit new restaurants in your area. If a restaurant has just opened, chances are good that their furniture is some of the newest and most innovative furniture out there. To get a broad view of what types of furniture are commonly used, visit several different types of restaurants, from fast food to fine dining. This mode of trend-seeking is extremely convenient, just be aware of your surroundings every time you dine out.

3) Talk to furniture representatives. All the major furniture companies have representatives who travel to restaurants and distributors promoting their products. Keep in mind that they are always trying to push their product on you to make a sale. Even if you don't buy from a representative, they can be a great tool for finding out what is hot in the industry.

4) Surf the web. There are many great commercial furniture websites that feature the newest and most popular furniture for restaurants and bars. One such website is The Hazelwoods website features a wide variety of popular furniture for all types of restaurants including booths, tables, chairs, bar stools, and patio furniture.

Hopefully these ideas will give you a head start toward creating a trendy and popular dining area. Remember, finding trends can be easy and inexpensive, but can have a profound impact on the success of your restaurant or bar.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Table and Chair Standards

I cannot stress enough the importance of correct measurements when planning a dining space. Of course you will have to measure the physical area you have available for tables, chairs, and booths. In addition to these routine measurements, you will also have to know the height of your tables and chairs.

We've all dined at tables that seemed too high to be comfortable, or sat in chairs that seemed to almost touch the ground. These are example of dining arrangements that fail to follow the rules of anthropometrics. Anthropometrics is the study of human measurement and the dimensions needed to provide the most comfort and efficiency. There are standards that the dining industry generally follows to meet the needs of their guests

In general, standard distance between the floor and the seat of a chair is between 18 and 20 inches, while tables come standard at a height of 28 to 30 inches. 10-12 inches is the normal amount of space between the seat and the table top. This provides optimal comfort for the average diner. In addition to the height of tables and chairs, you must also consider the number of diners that can comfortably eat at a table. It is ideal to allow at least 24 inches of elbow room per person and 12 to 15 inches of depth into the table. For more information on industry standards on table and chair measurements, click here.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Can Furniture Be Too Comfortable?

Considering the comfort of your customers when planning your seating needs is imperative to the success of any restaurant. The question is, how comfortable should your chairs and benches be? Logic says that you would want to make your seats the most comfortable they can possibly be. No one wants to be uncomfortable while eating. However, extreme comfort may not be the best for your business. I'll explain why:

Say you are at a fast food restaurant. You are standing while you order your food and standing while you wait for it. As soon as you sit down on one of those hard plastic seats, you are comfortable. But soon, the unforgiving nature of the hard plastic starts to become uncomfortable. It becomes uncomfortable enough to keep you from sitting at the table for an extended period of time. Any restaurant owner knows that the faster you can turn over guests, while still keeping them happy, the more money you will make. A table with guests brings in more money than a table without. But if guests linger at a table because it is so incredibly comfortable, that table is not maximizing its potential to make a profit.

It is best to think about the atmosphere of your restaurant, the type of dining, and the target diner group that you are wishing to attract when you purchase seating. Commercial seating is often judged entirely on aesthetic, but the comfort of a chair or bench has an impact on the success of a business as well.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Maximizing Your Dining Space

The sheer number of issues involved with planning and executing an attractive, effective, and comfortable seating plan is staggering. It may come as a shock to some beginning restaurateurs, but the attention to detail that restaurant owner gives the seating and dining arrangement of a restaurant has a profound impact on the atmosphere of the place and the satisfaction of the patrons. Have you ever been dining peacefully only to have another customer ask you to scoot your chair in because the space between the tables is not adequate for people to easily pass through? Or been bothered by a wobbly table for the entirety of your meal? These are just a few of the annoyances that can detract from your customers' dining experience and leave them with an unpleasant taste in their mouth.

When beginning to plan seating for your restaurant things you will want to take into consideration how many patrons you have the capacity to serve and how much space you have to work with (the square footage of your dining room). It is a good idea to look at table sizes and how many patrons each table will comfortably seat. For example, a 30" square table is ideal for 4 guests while a 24" square table would be extremely cramped and uncomfortable for 4, but plenty of space for 2. Booth seating is also an option that can make a dining room look more cozy and comfortable, but be aware that booths can take a lot more room than initially thought. Be sure to keep all options in mind when planning your dining room so you get the most potential out of your restaurant furniture. Take a look at this website for more information regarding acceptable dining standards.