Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Restaurant Space Planning

When planning the dining room of your restaurant, you will obviously want to fit as many seats into your restaurant as possible. The more seats you have, the more patrons can dine at once, and the more money you make. Much thought goes into this part of the restaurant planning, you want to maximize your space, but you do not want to make your guests feel uncomfortable. Here are some guidelines to follow.

A general rule is to keep 24" to 30" in between chairs for a clear walkway. This is the distance from the back of one chair to the back of another chair at an adjacent table. The space between tables that do not have chairs should be between 36" and 42." And for walkways next to booths, the same 36" to 42" should be adequate for s
ervers to carry food and for guests to walk through.

Again, these are merely general ideas for space planning. Be aware of your local fire codes and restrictions as these vary from region to region.

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