Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Flexible Restaurant Layout

When planning your dining room and the furniture to go in it, you want to make sure you have a variety of different types of tables and chairs. Keep in mind that you will likely have large groups come into the restaurant, and on occasion, you may host parties of special events. Your dining room furniture should have the ability to move around to accommodate all types of guests.

In order to create a comfortable dining atmosphere for many types of groups, you should have a very flexible seating plan. You do not want to fill your dining room entirely with booths or stationary tables. Nor do you want all your tables to be round. Small square or rectangle table are ideal for pushing together to create large tables. Also, tables spaced along a banquette can be pushed together. However, banquettes are pose both solutions and problems to seating large groups. Because a banquette has no set number that it can seat, more people can sit on a banquette than in chairs that take up the same space. The con of the banquette situation is that it is difficult for people to get up and use the restroom, especially if people are seated on either side of them. Round tables can be awkward when pushed together. Small round tables are fine in bars when people mostly just use them to set drinks and appetizers on, but when a full meal is being served, round tables can be extremely inconvenient and awkward.

The more flexible your seating plan is, the easier it will be to accommodate your guests. Simply consider your guests and their needs when planning your dining room and they will be satisfied.

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