Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Easing Restaurant Congestion

Restaurants have a tendency to become clogged and congested with furniture. Often owners and managers attempt to fit as many seats as possible into the dining room without leaving much room for servers and guests to easily move around the restaurant. The crowding of tables and chairs is unnecessary as there are ways to maximize the seating capacity of your restaurant without causing discomfort.

Consider placing booths along the walls of your restaurant. Booths and banquettes are an excellent way of providing versatile seating. Because benches do not have distinct seats, more people can fit. They are also a way of providing seating for different sizes of guests. Several children can easily share the same space an adult would take up therefore reducing the clutter that chairs can create.

Place tables on the diagonal. When tables are at an angle, the chairs do not back directly into each other. Whether there is actually more space between the tables or not, having tables set at an angle provides the illusion that there is more space and gives your guests a more comfortable dining experience.

To view options for table and booth design, visit Hazelwoods.

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