Thursday, July 9, 2009

Maximizing Your Dining Space

The sheer number of issues involved with planning and executing an attractive, effective, and comfortable seating plan is staggering. It may come as a shock to some beginning restaurateurs, but the attention to detail that restaurant owner gives the seating and dining arrangement of a restaurant has a profound impact on the atmosphere of the place and the satisfaction of the patrons. Have you ever been dining peacefully only to have another customer ask you to scoot your chair in because the space between the tables is not adequate for people to easily pass through? Or been bothered by a wobbly table for the entirety of your meal? These are just a few of the annoyances that can detract from your customers' dining experience and leave them with an unpleasant taste in their mouth.

When beginning to plan seating for your restaurant things you will want to take into consideration how many patrons you have the capacity to serve and how much space you have to work with (the square footage of your dining room). It is a good idea to look at table sizes and how many patrons each table will comfortably seat. For example, a 30" square table is ideal for 4 guests while a 24" square table would be extremely cramped and uncomfortable for 4, but plenty of space for 2. Booth seating is also an option that can make a dining room look more cozy and comfortable, but be aware that booths can take a lot more room than initially thought. Be sure to keep all options in mind when planning your dining room so you get the most potential out of your restaurant furniture. Take a look at this website for more information regarding acceptable dining standards.

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