Monday, July 20, 2009

The Versatility of Booths

When you open your restaurant, chances are that you will have a combination of different seating arrangements for your guests. Booths and banquettes are an extremely versatile seating option that is sure to meet the various needs of your patrons.

Some people in your restaurant may be looking for a family friendly place. They will want a table where children who may be noisy will not bother other guests. Also be sure that when considering families, you have high chairs and booster seats available that will safely accommodate younger children. Perhaps a larger table on one side of the restaurant, or a booth at the end of a wall would be best for this situation. An important thing to keep in mind, however, is that you do not want your guests to feel as though they are dining in a dark corner, away from all the attention from the waitstaff. One way to avoid this is to have an open seating area, free from high walls and booth backs. Also, keeping tables well lit will help.

Though a bright, open dining room is ideal for some guests, others may prefer a more intimate setting. Say a couple is visiting your restaurant to celebrate an anniversary, they most likely would like to be seated in a secluded area that provides more privacy. A good way to accommodate a couple that desires privacy is to build small booths that are dimly lit and have high backs to them. This provides the most privacy while still keeping your patrons from feeling as though they are being purposely ignored.

Booths are a good option for many different dining groups as they are extremely versatile. Visit for more information about styles and types of booths.

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