Monday, December 7, 2009

Finding The Right Finish For Your Wood Furniture

Finding the perfect stain color to match your decor and represent the atmosphere of your restaurant can be a very difficult task. If you have existing furniture that you are looking to match exactly, the task can be downright daunting. Browsing through the thousands of samples your furniture supplier has is one option for choosing your finish color, but there are other ways to cut down the time it takes to find the perfect stain color.

To match the stain color of an existing piece of furniture, simply bring the piece to Hazelwoods Restaurant Furniture where the experts there will find the perfect stain for you. The professionals in the Hazelwoods shop have experience matching stain and paint colors for wood chairs and tables. And if the exact finish is unable to be attained due to discontinued items or weathering processes, the designers will suggest other options that may be more time and cost effective, and yet still enhance the look of your restaurant.

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