Thursday, December 17, 2009

Customize Your Booth Design

Restaurant booths have become a bore to the everyday diner. Most booths are simple benches covered in vinyl and placed along a wall in the restaurant. This a very functional way to seat guests, but not always the most exciting. Here are some simple ways to spice up your restaurant booth design while still providing functional, comfortable seating for your guests.

1) The simplest way to add pizazz to your booths is to use bright, or unique fabrics for the seat and back. From bright neon colors to elegant brocades, there is a virtually unlimited variety of fabrics and vinyls to choose from. Choose one with just enough detail to make people notice it when they sit down to eat.

2) Experiment with different designs in the back rests of your booths. Hazelwoods Restaurant Furniture has several different designs available, but because all booths are custom manufactured, personalized designs are also an option. Visit the Hazelwoods website to view their existing designs and come up with new ideas for your own design.

3) Instead of placing your booths along the perimeter of your dining room, integrate them among your other tables and chairs. Perhaps a row of booths in the middle of your restaurant will help divide the space and create intimacy. Or a double sided banquette would create an interesting aesthetic. Using booths and banquettes to manage the flow of traffic in your restaurant is an excellent way to spice up your design.

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