Friday, August 14, 2009

Easy-Care Restaurant Furniture

The day to day operations of your restaurant are a major factor to consider when choosing restaurant furniture. You must plan for the wear and tear that occurs from regular use, as well as the effort and time it will take for your staff to maintain the furniture. There are several ways to mitigate the labor costs involved with restaurant furniture care.

Reduce the effort it takes to clean and care for furniture by paying attention to the little details. Avoid chairs that have lots of little crevices where crumbs and food can gather. Keep your furniture simple, with few rungs or slats in the back to decrease the mount of time it takes to dust the furniture. You'll want to utilize materials that wipe down easily such as smooth metals, and woods with a gloss finish to them. Materials with lots of texture are more likely to grab food residue which can build up over time. Fabrics should be used sparingly throughout the restaurant. When used, they should be treated with stain-guard products.

These are just some general guidelines to follow for easy care restaurant furniture. If your restaurant theme calls for fancier, more intricate and ornate furniture, go for it! The satisfaction of having a beautiful restaurant will offset the effort it takes to maintain it. There are pros and cons for every decision, it is your responsibility to have all the information you need before you make a leap. For examples of easy care furniture, visit Hazelwoods.

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